Learn how to navigate end of life matters. Find articles for planning ahead, making arrangements in advance or immediate need, and burials, funerals, cremation, and more.
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Imagine if you will that your loved one has just passed away. Many people would call the same funeral home their family has been calling for decades. That’s all right, but there is another choice. Traditional funeral homes are often large beautiful buildings on meticulously landscaped property. When you have these funeral homes handle the funerals of your loved ones you are paying for all of this. Additionally, there are nice cars, large staffs, and other amenities for which you pay. With Bollinger Funeral Goods and Services, you do not have to pay for all of these extra items. We operate out of a small store-front and then work with you to find alternative locations for services. By having a much lower overhead than traditional funeral homes, we can offer savings of over 50% and even as much as 75%. Even our Direct Burial and Direct Cremation (services without visitations or services) are considerably less expensive because again, we do not have all that overhead for which you have to pay regardless of the type of service you select.
When a service or visitation is desired, there are many other location options besides funeral homes. Consider if you will that some people have returned to days of old, with visitations in people’s homes. Others are using churches, or fraternal halls, or other community locations. Memorial services (without the physical decedent present) are being held in libraries, parks, the zoo, yacht clubs, country clubs, golf clubs, etc. We simply encourage people to “think outside of the box” so to speak and to inform them of these options.
By calling us, we can assist you with free information on much more fair-priced funeral solutions. We can assist you with advance funeral planning as well as at-need planning. Additionally, we offer to the public a complete line of caskets, burial vaults, urns (for humans as well as pets), headstones and monuments, and other funeral merchandise at considerable savings over most funeral homes. We will deliver these items to the funeral home or cemetery of your choice anywhere in Ohio. Other funeral homes must accept our merchandise without additional charges by law, thus providing you more affordable options.
Our goal is to provide professional, caring, and dignified services to the people we serve without overpaying. Call for an appointment or stop in and look around our showroom to see for yourself the available options for your memorials and services and see how you can save hundreds and even thousands of dollars.
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